Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dream Girl

Okay. So I had another vivid dream the other night. I feel it is important to write these dreams down, because at times, they have come to pass or the Lord speaks something to me about them so here we go...

I had an infant placed into my arms, a boy. I did not give birth to him, but he was my child. No sooner did I receive him when someone placed another baby in my arms. Again this child was not from my own womb, but it was mine just the same; a girl.

I remember feeling excited and very overwhemled at the same time. I didn't know how to hold them both at the same time or how to put them down.

I'm not sure if this dream means that someday I will adopt children, or if they were a metaphor of the Lord handing me two things, projects, etc... at the same time to take care of later in life.

All in all, it was a pretty neat dream...


~**Dawn**~ said...

That is a *lot* to digest. I do so badly at figuring out what my dreams might mean. I usually wake up & wonder what the heck I ate the night before, so I can not repeat it. =P

Amber Leaders said...

very cool Colleen, thanks for sharing!

mike and amy said...

This is beautiful, Colleen! I recently heard a pastor say, "We can do more than just dream." Of course, I immediately connected that to adoption as we are about to step on a plane for China to meet our dream come true. Our other sweet one has been home with us for a year and a half now. Adoption is amazing!! Hope this is what your dream means. If not, God has something good planned; He always does.