Thursday, April 23, 2009


Last night I fell in love. He's about 21 inches tall and weighs about 7 and a half pounds. I went to the hospital late last night to meet him. My friend had given birth to her second son and I don't know about you but I really enjoy meeting newborns. I think they are fascinating. He was only 24 hours old. She let me hold him and my heart went to mush.

The idea of holding something so small, fragile, alive and human is amazing. Holding an entire person in one arm is a cool thing. It's not something you do every day (If you are me, that is.) So when I do get to do it, it's always really enjoyable.

He was wide awake and was really trying to focus on my face and he reminded me a little bit of Yoda. I kept thinking about what was going on in his brain. There is so much information to compute and the brain of a baby is fascinating because it is a time of such rapid fire growth.

It was such a nice visit. The two of us women alone in that room. She had no other visitors so we just took turns holding him and talking quietly and smiling in awe that he was just in her belly.

Then this morning when I woke up I noticed that my hands still smelled softly of baby even though I'd washed them a few times since. I love that smell.

Welcome to planet Earth Baby Boy. I hope you stay a long time and glorify the Lord.

1 comment:

~**Dawn**~ said...

There is nothing more amazing than a tiny fresh new life. I could hold a newborn for hours, just marveling at the wonder of it all.