Monday, March 28, 2011

A Month of Sundays and More...

I woke up this morning to a phone call from my doctor. I've been off of work for a month now and after my first and hopefully last MRI ever, they found the problem. There is a gigantic pregnant alien in my neck. Just kidding. I have a bulging disc in my lower cervical vertebrae.

I've lost track of doctor visits and watching the medical bills come rolling in make me feel like I'm on a game show. Every time I open an envelope it's like I hear a DING! in the backround and a voice inside my head goes "CONGRATULATIONS! You now owe 1,000,000 dollars to your insurance company!" Okay, okay it's not a millon dollars, but it might as well be on a preschool teachers budget.

So now I must wade into deeper, murkier unknown waters. A neurosurgen evaluation, spinal epidural injections...more PT. These are words I never expected to utter at the beginning of 2011.

I feel helpless in my body. Completly. Helpless. I miss running. I miss hiking. I miss my kids and being able to work in general. Most of all, I miss my health.

Lord, none of this is new to you. You know the end from the beginning. So I submit myself to you. Please take care of me and heal me in your time. Amen.


Mega said...

I'm keeping you in my prayers. Sorry to see that you're having to go through all of this. Hoping that you pull out of this soon.

Colleen said...

Thanks Friend. I'll probably be off work for most of this month too. Start PT tomorrow....

Amber Leaders said...

I will be praying Colleen!